Your vote is more important than ever.
The long list of candidates combined with traditionally low by-election voter turnout means this election will be decided by a small number of votes. Below is information on where and when you can vote. If you need any help, please contact us.

Vote in advance – November 25th & 26th

During advance voting (November 25 and 26 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.), eligible voters can choose to vote at one of the two available voting places:

Birchmount Community Centre
93 Birchmount Rd

Warden Hilltop Community Centre
25 Mendelssohn St

Vote on Election Day – November 30th

On election day (November 30), eligible voters must vote at their assigned voting place.

To find your election day voting place details please MyVote.

If you need any help, or if you’d like a ride to the polls, please contact us.